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Field trip: High-and ultrahigh-pressure rocks of Pohorje – a window to deep subduction and lithosphere dynamics through geologic time

The field trip on 27 June 2018 is optional and not included in the registration fees.


  1. Pohorje UHP metamorphic terrane represents the most deeply subducted part of the Austroalpine units of the Alps (Fig 1).
  2. Thermobarometric data on Pohorje rocks record peak-pressure conditions of up to 3.5–3.7 GPa at 800–850ºC in eclogites, 4.0 GPa at 900ºC in garnet peridotites and ≥3.5 GPa at 800–850ºC in diamond-bearing gneisses.
  3. During the field trip we will focus on the Slovenska Bistrica Ultramafic Complex (SBUC), a 8 x 1 km2 body of meta-ultramafic rocks, including serpentinized harzburgite, kyanite-garnet gneiss and garnet peridotites (Figs. 2 & 3).
  4. Additional information on the geological context can be found in Excursion_Pohorj.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Field trip leaders

Mirijam Vrabec, Department of Geology University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Marian Janák, Earth Science Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia

Schedule and Logistics:

  1. Start of excursion: Seggau Castle after breakfast (08:30).
  2. Pohorje-Slovenska Bistrica will be reached via Maribor by mini-bus (ca. 1 hour).
  3. Visit of different outcrops, including UHPM rocks in Slovenska Bistrica Ultramafic Complex (SBUC).
  4. The excursion will be in a mountainous landscape of bedrock hills and forest with outcrops along a narrow road and valleys. Most outcrops are reached after a short, easy walk from the parking; some of them will require 30–60 min walk on easy but likely muddy path.